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Friday, October 22, 2021

The Astronaut by DuLee!

 The Astronaut

By DuLee. 

He wore the memories of these lifelong explorations as a jewel of a Prince,

Once young and little stupid,

An astronaut who was about to take off from his nest,

Finally the time has come and he gave the full power on to the throttle,

He had a map though only the darkness what he observed all around him....

The noise of burning engines and the silence of the space all what he hear and sometimes he plays his gramophone,

He closes his eyes and listening to the Annie's song,

Visualising the memories of someone's touch he comforted on a rainy day, warmth of a hug and the wetness of a kiss....what he misses,

But he took off to this bitter dark space, seeking new worlds and to end his thirst of adventure....

He came a long long way, 

Millions of miles, passing billions of stars, 

Though he never stopped just to settle down on a safer planet....

He wanted to travel more and more, 

He never cared or thought about the level of fuel he got, jeopardising his all the chances of Survival, as an intoxicated moth in a bottle,

The loner astronaut is now tired and exhausted,

Landed on a barren planet to rest or maybe he will stay there for the rest of his life....

Came out from the space ship for the first time after few decades, 

He had no energy to build a castle on that barren land, 

Though he built this small shelter and felt like the king of this no named planet, 

Nights were long there, his gramophone isn't working anymore, only the faded memories of these symphonies bring him joy....

No seasons emerge on this land and he reminds the four seasons of Vivaldi, all the seasons he created inside his mind! 

He no longer urged to go for the adventure, 

No Audience to cheer him up,

on earth no one had memories of him anymore, 

For them, he was just an insane astronaut,

who lost his mind and left what all he had....

Just to wander freely, 

Sometimes he felt like an all lost prisoner of Buchenwald,

dead inside but the shell of the soul is still there to survive....

starring at deep dark space, he just began to think,

even most of the humans who lived on earth (and never left earth) also lived their lives in the same way,

even they were surrounded by so many, they were dead inside, all fake lives, he thought, that's why he came this far, at least the memories of this space Voyage he will cherish till his last day, 

after passing so many light years, 

He engaged in a small conversation with himself, a sort of self reflection, or maybe a confession

 "you need to know the core necessity of the human condition my dear soul,

Maybe it is just a "Hello" from a beloved one,

Maybe its a warm, delicious french kiss from the woman you love, 

Even though this generation doesn't understand the value of true sustainable love,

One day all these human beings will become loner astronauts and will immensely seek for a shoulder to rest or maybe a motherly lap to keep their heads just to release their last breaths to the air on their very last day of existence....

They will understand this painful, solid truth oneday,

Just as you realised!

my dearest Astronaut "

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